- Underneath the optics
- Combined with the optics via a hot mirror (or an internal reflection)
- Inside the optics.
Yuval Boger (VRGuy) has been doing VR since 2006. He shares his experience and views on HMDs and VR technologies.
Also, check out the VRguy podcasts where I host industry experts for deeper conversations about VR and AR.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
The Three (and a half) Configurations of Eye Trackers
Eye tracking could become a critical sensor in HMDs. In previous posts such as here, here and here we discussed some of the ways that eye trackers could be useful as input devices, as ways to reduce rendering load and more.
But how are eye trackers installed inside an HMD? An appropriate placement of the eye tracking camera gives a quality image of the eye regardless of the gaze direction. If the eye image is bad, the tracking quality will be bad. It's truly a 'garbage in, garbage out' situation.
The three typical ways to install a camera are:
This configuration is illustrated in the image on the right, which shows the Sensics zSight HMD with an integrated Ergoneers eye tracker. The tracker is the small camera that is visible underneath the left eyepiece.
The angle in which the camera is installed is important. A camera that is perpendicular - practically looking into the eye - will typically get an excellent image. If the camera angle is steep, the anatomy of the eye - eyelids, eyelashes, inset eyes - gets in the way of getting a good image.
If the eye relief (distance from cornea to first element of the optics) is small, the camera will need to be placed at a steeper angle than if the eye relief was large. If the diameter of the optics are large, the camera would need to be placed lower and thus at a steeper angle than if the diameter of the optics is smaller.
If the user wears glasses, an eye tracker that is placed underneath the optics might "see" the frame of the glasses instead of the eye.
Having said that, the advantage of this approach is that it does not place many constraints on the optics. Eye tracker cameras could usually be added below optics that were not designed to accommodate eye tracking.
Eye tracking cameras are often infra-red cameras that look at IR light that is reflected off the eye. As such, eye tracking cameras don't need visible light. This allows using what is called a hot mirror: a mirror that reflects IR light yet passes visible light.
Consider the optical system shown to the right (copyright Sensics). Light from the screen (right side) passes through a lens, a hot mirror and another lens and reaches the eye. In contrast, if the eye is lit by an IR light source, IR light coming back from the eye is reflected off the hot mirror towards the upper part of the optical system. If a camera is placed there, it can have an excellent view of the eye without interfering with the optical quality.
This configuration also gives more flexibility with regards to the camera being used. For instance, a larger camera (perhaps with very high frame rate) would not be feasible if placed under the optics. However, when placed separately from the optical system such as above the mirror, it might fit.
The downside of this configuration, other than the need to add the hot mirror, is that the optical system needs to leave enough room for the hot mirror and this introduces a mechanical constraint that limits the options of the optical designer.
A variation on this design (what I referred in the title as "the half" configuration is having the IR light reflect off one of the optical surfaces, assuming this surface is coated with an IR-reflective coating. You can see this in the configuration on the right (also copyright Sensics). An optical element is curved and the IR light reflects off it into the camera. The image received by the camera might be somewhat distorted, but since that image is processed by an algorithm, that algorithm could compensate for the image distortion.
This solution removes the need for a hot mirror but does require that there is a lens that is shaped in a way to reflect the IR light into the camera. It also requires the additional expense of an IR coating.
The third configuration is even simpler. A miniature camera is used. A small hole is drilled through the optics and the camera is placed through it. The angle and location of the camera is balanced between getting an optical image of the eye and the need to not introduce a significant visual distraction.
This is shown on the right as part of the eye tracking option of the Sensics dSight. This configuration gives excellent flexibility with regards to camera placement, but does introduce some visual distraction and requires careful drilling of a hole through the optics.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Notes from the Zero Latency Free-Roam VR Gameplay
I spent this past weekend in Australia working with Sensics customer Zero Latency towards their upcoming VR deployment at SEGA's Joypolis park in Tokyo. As part of the visit, I had the chance to go through the Zero Latency "Zombie Outbreak" experience and I thought I would share some notes from it.
Zero Latency has been running this experience for quite some time and have had nearly 10,000 paying customers do it. The experience is about 1-hour long including about 10 minutes of pre-game briefing and equipment setup, 45 minutes of play and 5 minutes to take the equipment off and get the space ready for the next group. There are 6 customer slots per hour and everyone plays together in the same space at the same time. To date, Zero Latency has opened this to customers for about 29 hours a week - mostly on weekends - but will now be adding weeknights for a total of 40 game hours per week. A ticket costs 88 Australian dollars (about 75 US dollars) and there is typically a 6-week waiting list to get in.
The experience is located in the Zero Latency office, a converted warehouse in the north side of Melbourne Australia. Most of the warehouse is taken up by the rectangular game space, about 15 x 25 meters (50 x 80 feet), or 375 m² (4000 sq ft) to be precise. The rest of the warehouse is used for two floors engineering and administrative offices. One can peak through the office windows at the customers playing and during the day you can constantly hear the shouts of excitement, squeals of joy and screams of horror coming from the game space.
I had a chance to go through the game twice: once with a group of Zero Latency employees before the space was opened to customers, and once as the 6th man of a 5-person group of paying customers late night. Once customers come in they are greeted by a 'game master' that provides a pre-mission briefing, explains the rules and provides explanation on the gaming gun. The gun can switch between a semi-automatic rifle and a shotgun. It has a trigger, a button to switch modes, a reload button and a pump to load bullets into the shotgun and load grenades when in rifle mode. I found the gun to be comfortable and balanced, and it seems that is has undergone many iterations before arriving in the current form. Players wear a backpack that includes a lightweight Alienware portable computer, a battery and a control box. The HMD and the gun have lighted spheres on them - reminiscent of the PlayStation Move - that are used to track the players and the weapons throughout the space. Players also wear Razer headsets that provide two-way audio so that players can easily communicate with each other as well as hear instructions from the game master.
The game starts with a few minutes of acclimation where players walk across the space to virtual shooting range and spend a couple of minutes getting comfortable with operating their weapons. The game then starts. It is essentially a simple game - players fight their way through the space while shooting zombies and other menacing characters, some of which shoot back at you. Every few minutes, players switch scenes by going through an elevator or teleportation waypoints, circles on the ground where each of the six players has to stand before the next scene can be reached. Sometimes you fight in an urban setting, sometimes on a rooftop, inside a cafeteria and so forth. Zombies can be killed by a direct shot to the head or multiple shots to the body. The players can also be killed, but then return to the game after about 10 seconds of appearing as a 'ghost'. Game 'power ups' are sometimes found through the space. For instance, during my gameplay I found an AK-47 assault rifle and later a heavy machine gun. At the end of the game, each player is shown their score and ranking, where the score is calculated based on the number of kills and the number of player deaths. That score sheet is emailed to players and is available for later viewing on the Web. The graphics are fine and an attacking zombie is quite compelling when it is right in your face, but the things I truly found compelling in the game are not so much the graphics and gameplay but rather a few other things:
I had a chance to go through the game twice: once with a group of Zero Latency employees before the space was opened to customers, and once as the 6th man of a 5-person group of paying customers late night. Once customers come in they are greeted by a 'game master' that provides a pre-mission briefing, explains the rules and provides explanation on the gaming gun. The gun can switch between a semi-automatic rifle and a shotgun. It has a trigger, a button to switch modes, a reload button and a pump to load bullets into the shotgun and load grenades when in rifle mode. I found the gun to be comfortable and balanced, and it seems that is has undergone many iterations before arriving in the current form. Players wear a backpack that includes a lightweight Alienware portable computer, a battery and a control box. The HMD and the gun have lighted spheres on them - reminiscent of the PlayStation Move - that are used to track the players and the weapons throughout the space. Players also wear Razer headsets that provide two-way audio so that players can easily communicate with each other as well as hear instructions from the game master.
The game starts with a few minutes of acclimation where players walk across the space to virtual shooting range and spend a couple of minutes getting comfortable with operating their weapons. The game then starts. It is essentially a simple game - players fight their way through the space while shooting zombies and other menacing characters, some of which shoot back at you. Every few minutes, players switch scenes by going through an elevator or teleportation waypoints, circles on the ground where each of the six players has to stand before the next scene can be reached. Sometimes you fight in an urban setting, sometimes on a rooftop, inside a cafeteria and so forth. Zombies can be killed by a direct shot to the head or multiple shots to the body. The players can also be killed, but then return to the game after about 10 seconds of appearing as a 'ghost'. Game 'power ups' are sometimes found through the space. For instance, during my gameplay I found an AK-47 assault rifle and later a heavy machine gun. At the end of the game, each player is shown their score and ranking, where the score is calculated based on the number of kills and the number of player deaths. That score sheet is emailed to players and is available for later viewing on the Web. The graphics are fine and an attacking zombie is quite compelling when it is right in your face, but the things I truly found compelling in the game are not so much the graphics and gameplay but rather a few other things:
- Free-roam VR is great. The large space offers fantastic freedom of movement. You can see players move throughout the space, duck to take cover, turn around quickly with no hesitation at all. This generates an excellent feeling of immersion. You can truly feel that you could hide behind corners or walk anywhere with no apparent limitations. Of course, every space has physical limitations and Zero Latency has implemented a system where if you get too close to a player or a wall, something like a radar appears on your screen showing you at the center and the obstacles (players, walls) on it so that you know how to avoid them. If you get too close, the game pauses until you are farther away. This felt very natural. Throughout nearly two hours of active gameplay I think I brushed once or twice against another player but no more than that, even though players were in close proximity. Immersion is such that players don't notice people that are not players around them. In the current Zero Latency office, the bathroom for the office (the "Loo" in "Australian") is right across from the playing space so to get there you can either take a detour walking alongside the walls or go straight through the playing area where the players couldn't care less because they don't even know that you are walking by.
- The social aspect is very compelling. This game is not about 6 individuals playing separately in a space. It is about 6 players acting as a team within the space. You can definitely hear "you take the right corridor and I'll take the left", or "watch your back" or "I need some help here!" shouts from one player to another. Players that work individually have little chance to stop the zombie invasion coming from all directions, but playing together gives you that chance.
- Tracking - for both the head and the weapon - are very smooth to the point where you don't think about it. Because multiple players are tracked in the space you can see their avatars around you (sometimes with name tags). The graphics of players walking in the game need some work in my opinion, but you can clearly see where everyone is and what they are doing.
- 45 minutes of game play go by very quickly and the game masters control the pace very well. As you can imagine, some groups take longer than others to get to the next waypoints, and the game uses waiting for elevators or helicopters as a way to condense or extend the total time. For instance, once you arrive in the cafeteria a sign shows up that the elevator will arrive in 100 seconds. I would imagine that if a group arrived earlier, they would have to wait longer for the elevator or if a group took more time, they would wait less.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Understanding Pixel Density and Eye-Limiting Resolution
If the human eye was a digital camera, it's "data sheet" would say that it has a of 60 pixels/degree at the fovea (the part of the retina where the visual acuity is highest). This is called eye-limiting resolution.
This means that if there an image with 3600 pixels (60 x 60) and that image fell on a 1° x 1° area of the fovea, a person would not be able to tell it apart from an image with 8100 pixels (90 x 90) that fell on a 1° x 1° area of the fovea.
Note 1: 60 pixels per degree figure is sometimes expressed as "1 arc-minute per pixel". Not surprisingly, an arc-minute is an angular measurement defined as 1/60th of a degree.
Note 2: this kind of calculation is the basis for what Apple refers to as a "retina display", a screen that when held at the right distance would generate this kind of pixel density on the retina.
If you have a VR goggle, you can calculate the pixel density - how many pixels per degree if presents the eye - by dividing the number of pixels in a horizontal display line by the horizontal field of view provided by the eyepiece. For instance, the Oculus DK1 (yes, I know that was quite a while ago) had 1280 x 800 pixels across both eyes, so 640 x 800 pixels per eye, and with a monocular horizontal field of view of about 90 degrees, it had a pixel density of 640 / 90 so just over 7 pixels/degree.
Not to pile on the DK1 (it had many good things, though resolution was not one of them), 7 pixels/degree is the linear pixel density. When you think about it in terms of pixel density per surface area, is it not just 8.5 times worse than the human eye (60 / 7 = 8.5) but actually a lot worse (8.5 * 8.5 which is over 70). The following table compares pixel densities for some popular consumer and professional HMDs:
Higher pixel density allows you to see finer details - read text; see the grain of the leather on a car's dashboard; spot a target at a greater distance - and in general contribute to an increasingly realistic image.
Historically, one of the things that separated professional-grade HMDs from consumer HMDs was that the professional HMDs had higher pixel density. Let's simulate this using the following four images. Let's assume that the first image, taken from Unreal Engine's Showdown demo, is shown at full 60 pixels/degree density. We can then re-sample it at half the pixel density - simulating 30 pixels/degree - and then half again (resulting in 15 pixels/degree) and half again (7,5 pixels/degree). Notice the stark differences as we go to lower and lower pixel densities.

Higher pixel density for the visual system is not the same as higher pixel density for the screen because pixels on the screen are magnified through the optics. The same screen could be magnified differently with two different optical systems resulting in different pixel densities presented to the eye. It is true, though, that given the same optical system, higher pixel density of pixels on the screen does translate to higher pixel density presented to the eye.
As screens get better and better, we will get increasingly closer to eye-limiting resolution in the HMD and thus to essentially photo-realistic experiences.
This means that if there an image with 3600 pixels (60 x 60) and that image fell on a 1° x 1° area of the fovea, a person would not be able to tell it apart from an image with 8100 pixels (90 x 90) that fell on a 1° x 1° area of the fovea.
Note 1: 60 pixels per degree figure is sometimes expressed as "1 arc-minute per pixel". Not surprisingly, an arc-minute is an angular measurement defined as 1/60th of a degree.
Note 2: this kind of calculation is the basis for what Apple refers to as a "retina display", a screen that when held at the right distance would generate this kind of pixel density on the retina.
If you have a VR goggle, you can calculate the pixel density - how many pixels per degree if presents the eye - by dividing the number of pixels in a horizontal display line by the horizontal field of view provided by the eyepiece. For instance, the Oculus DK1 (yes, I know that was quite a while ago) had 1280 x 800 pixels across both eyes, so 640 x 800 pixels per eye, and with a monocular horizontal field of view of about 90 degrees, it had a pixel density of 640 / 90 so just over 7 pixels/degree.
Not to pile on the DK1 (it had many good things, though resolution was not one of them), 7 pixels/degree is the linear pixel density. When you think about it in terms of pixel density per surface area, is it not just 8.5 times worse than the human eye (60 / 7 = 8.5) but actually a lot worse (8.5 * 8.5 which is over 70). The following table compares pixel densities for some popular consumer and professional HMDs:
Product | Horizontal pixels per eye | Approximate Horizontal Field of View (degrees per eye) | Approximate Pixel Density (pixels/degree) |
Oculus DK1 | 640 | 90 | 7.1 |
OSVR HDK | 960 | 90 | 10.7 |
HTC VIVE | 1080 | 90 | 12.0 |
Sensics dSight | 1920 | 95 | 20.2 |
Sensics zSight | 1280 | 48 | 26.6 |
Sensics zSight 1920 | 1920 | 60 | 32.0 |
Human fovea | 60.0 |
Higher pixel density allows you to see finer details - read text; see the grain of the leather on a car's dashboard; spot a target at a greater distance - and in general contribute to an increasingly realistic image.
Historically, one of the things that separated professional-grade HMDs from consumer HMDs was that the professional HMDs had higher pixel density. Let's simulate this using the following four images. Let's assume that the first image, taken from Unreal Engine's Showdown demo, is shown at full 60 pixels/degree density. We can then re-sample it at half the pixel density - simulating 30 pixels/degree - and then half again (resulting in 15 pixels/degree) and half again (7,5 pixels/degree). Notice the stark differences as we go to lower and lower pixel densities.
Full resolution (simulating 60 pixels/degree)
Half resolution (simulating 30 pixels/degree)
Simulating 15 pixels/degree
Simulating 7.5 pixels/degree
eye limiting,
pixel density,
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