Monday, March 31, 2014

zSight HMD unveiling archeology secrets as part of Operation Lune

From the Nautical Archeological Society
La Lune, the Sun King’s flagship, sank off the Toulon coastline in 1664. Almost 350 years later, a one-of-a-kind underwater archaeological expedition will unveil the secrets that this wreck conceals. A team of international experts embarked on this breathtaking venture armed with up-to-the-minute technology. Join the action, and a Sensics zSight HMD, and watch history meet the virtual realm.

Watch how the zSight HMD is used in the 3D exploration of this historical site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking into this new project being crowdfunded right now called xvirent, any one had a chance to look into it and have any opinions on it? on the fence on whether to back the project or not